If you are
reading this
blog, let me
thank you for
taking the time
to check in and
see the rare
I'm still hoping
that some of our
youth will find
the time to
write a few
posts, as we
have some very
gifted youth at
I am thinking we
might get a more
formal blog page
set up soon as
Since I last
wrote, we have
had a very busy
summer. As
usual, our youth
helped out as
leaders in our
Vacation Bible
They all did a
great job!
We had a few
more children
than usual that
attended, and we
got to meet some
of our new
neighbors as
well. We
(as do most
churches) always
have some
children that
attend VBS that
are members of
other churches,
and we make it a
point to
encourage them
to be active in
their church.
We are excited
to have a new
youth drama team
We hope to have
the first
later this
It's hard to
believe that
school will be
starting back
this month as
well. We
are so proud to
have so many
members of our
youth group
involved in
school. We
have volleyball
cheerleaders and
band members and
they all will do
Please continue
to pray for all
of our youth as
they start back
to school.
We are blessed
to have many
teachers in our
schools, but
there are always
things that can
challenge your
faith as well.
I realize that
as blogs go,
this is not much
of a blog.
Planning to have
some involvement
from some of our
youth soon
Many of our
youth are
involved with
school sports
during the year,
and Spring is no
I was noticing
that when I last
"blogged", I
said that Shawn
Chandler was
away at basic
He is back and
helping out with
the youth again
as his time
allows. We
have been
working on
developing a
faith that
lasts. So
many times you
hear of students
who grow up in a
youth ministry,
and when they go
off to college
or into the
workforce, they
leave the
church. As
a church and a
youth ministry,
it is our job to
make sure that
our students
truly own their
Their faith
shouldn't just
be evident when
they are at
church or youth
group, it should
be noticed by
people when they
are at school,
on the field, in
the gym, at work
or wherever.
Faith (and
salvation) isn't
something that
is inherited
from your
parents, your
friends, or even
your church.
We want our
students to
enjoy being a
part of our
youth ministry,
but when they
aren't at church
we want them to
be salt and
Romans 12:2
reminds us of
this "And do not
be conformed to
this world, but
be transformed
by the renewing
of your mind,
that you may
prove what is
that good and
acceptable and
perfect will of
At Morningside,
we use our
college students
as helpers and
leaders with our
youth group.
They have plenty
of energy
(usually), and
some great ideas
as well.
So, when they
aren't able to
be with us, it
always feels
like something
is missing from
the events we
do. As
many that are
reading this are
already aware,
Anthony Perez is
working to
finish his EMT
training, and is
taking his final
tests (at least
for a while)
this month.
We are glad that
he will be back
to help us with
our summer
activities this
Also, Shawn
Chandler left
for basic
training at Fort
Benning Georgia.
He is part of
the National
Guard and will
be working with
We will miss his
help this
summer, but know
that he will do
well in his new
endeavors, and
will be back
with us soon.
We have been
working recently
on sharing our
faith with
others. I
can't help but
be proud of the
boldness of
several of our
They are willing
to go knock on
doors and talk
with others
without fear.
It's not always
easy to share
Jesus with
others, but
something that
we should all be
equipped and
ready to do when
the opportunity
is there.
After all,
people love to
hear good news,
and we have the
best news of
all. Jesus
loved us so much
that He was
willing to give
His life so that
we could spend
eternity with
It's hard to
believe that it
has been almost
a year since we
started the blog
(with the hopes
of having some
of our youth
I'm not much of
a writer.
I am however
very proud of
our youth group.
As we held
Vacation Bible
School this
year, we counted
on them to serve
as leaders and
They stepped up
and made sure
that the things
that needed to
be taken care of
during the week
were. The
kids that came
really loved
them. So
many times in
growing up, I
heard the phrase
"Our youth are
the church of
While that is
certainly a true
statement, it is
also true that
our youth are
the church
today. It
takes all of us
working together
to make the
After all, we
are compared to
a body, and if
all the parts
are not working
together you
can't be very
7/31/2013 |
If you came
looking for
words of wisdom,
something to
inspire or even
challenge you,
maybe a cool
poem or a great
will have to
wait! I
certainly don't
claim to be a
great writer,
and have to
admit that
English was
certainly not my
best subject.
However, as I
made the
decision to
start a blog, it
is with the
hopes that much
of what you read
will be written
by members of
our youth group.
I'm not sure how
often this page
will be
hope is
ultimately on a
weekly basis,
but certainly at
least a few
times a month.
You will just
have to keep
checking back
and see what you
Hopefully you
won't have to
wait too long
for the next
update. |